We crate trained my Little Pup. She loves it. I bought the crate and set it up but never forced her into it, Let her get used to it and enticed her into it with treats while telling her to kennel up. After a couple of weeks I started locking her in. Never bothered her at all.

We put her in there at night at first I would get up every three hours to let her outside to do her business, Now she goes all night without making a mess, If she is getting to excitable when the Granddaughters are over we tell her to kennel up she goes right in and lays down till she and the girls settle down.

I have a nice roofed kennel for her for when we are at work but with the extreme cold we have been having we have had to crate her several days instead. I think she likes it better than being outside in the bigger kennel.

Every time I take her out to do her business when we come back in I tell her to kennel up. She jumps right in the crate sometime we have to coax her out of it. Its the best thing we have done so far makes her life and ours easier. When she gets in trouble she goes to her crate on her own.

Now if we could just get her completely house trained we would be doing good. Cant get her to let us know when she needs to go out. She will go outside if you take her out but if you arent watching for signs of her needing to go she just goes inside. We have tried bells on the door. She knows when the ring that its time to go out but she wont ring them herself.

I've always been different with one foot over the line.....