Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

A pup might whine for a short time due to separation anxiety, when first placed in a crate overnight.
Keeping the crate close his master's bed side will go far to lessen that anxiety.

and all the more easier if the master has himself been relegated the doghouse.

Originally Posted by AJ300MAG
Sleeping in bed...

It's an alpha dog/dominance thing. Dog needs to learn that you are the alpha. You eat before him,
you go through doorways before him, everything you do you lead he follows..

Times we had intruders or strange noise I allowed the shepherd to lead through doorways or into the rear yard
...even when just generally checking out the yard the dog would scout ahead of his own fruition.
Doorbell rings or people approach the gate?....they almost always be greeted by a dogs face before mine.

Thinking back, he unhesistantly did point duty so much he really deserved to sleep on the couche
much more often.

When generally walking him, he was also typically forward positioned on a lead, yet never failed
to understand who was boss if a postiion change was required.

Master eat first LOL ..? never bothered with that either ,all depending he would eat before, after or with us,
and it made schite amount of difference to the dogs obedience.

Originally Posted by BKinSD
Finally, dogs are like kids. They are not all the same. .

and dogs are like kids in that they soon know when they have a master they can manipulate.

Which brings me to teachers, memorably ,we had a secondary one that did next to nothing to keep his class
highly disciplined, yet those same students would run riot around other teachers who tried their darndest to
control them.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.