I have a nephew who decided for reasons known only to himself, that he wanted to be a glass engineer. There are only a couple colleges in the US who offer it. He was probably the least likely one in the family to succeed but he plugged away for 5 years and got the degree. In engineering, an MS is a big advantage. He went to Manchester England for that because it was FAR cheaper than getting it in the US. He worked for Corning for a few years and saw the advantages of a PhD. Back to merry ol' England. He struggled but got it. He worked for a company developing bulletproof glass for a few years and now is doing some kind of research and sleeping on a mattress stuffed with large bills.

If you want it, go get it and don't quit until you do.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.