Originally Posted by hookeye
Just remember, the kid that you struck out in 6th grade..........will probably be your boss in corporate america...........and he doesn't forget.
One manager can kill a career, doesn't matter how good you are or your work ethic.

Because if you have a hotter spouse than your boss, have more hair than your boss, are taller/thinner than your boss, are more skilled than your boss, or better liked than your boss..................any ONE of these things...............and you are F'd.

Management .................the "clay people".

If you have skills, a brain.....or just speak the truth......................they'll hate you.
You have worth, and they don't.
They pee the bed thinking about how scary you are.

If you expect to work for one company for life, that is true. However I've found if you consider yourself an independent contractor no matter if you work for a company or 20 or 20,000, you are in control of your success. The majority of jobs I've worked I was sought out by the company to hire me away from my then current employer. Skills, work ethic and being able to work with others is a guaranteed formula of success. Yes I've had a few managers that I didn't get along with. Twice I managed to move on to greener pastures to get out from under them, once I got laid off. 2016 I made less than I had in 20 years and worked four different jobs, 2017 I made more than I'd ever made and filed a single W2.

I've worked for some wonderful managers, those who understand they are only as good as the folks they supervise and that their success is linked to your success. I've also worked for petty people that thought making you miserable was the way to make sure you knew who the boss was. I was thankful for the good bosses, and bid my time under the bad ones.

Gain skills and work for good people. If after 2-3 years at a place you aren't advancing and you can't stand your boss then it's time to freshen up the resume and see what's out there. I've had to suffer through less than stellar working environments for 2+ year stints several times in my career. I've also had wonderful stints for even long spells.