those clowns in washington all need to get sent home, leaving only Trump and his sincere efforts to MAGA. the repubs are showing they're not our friends. the demo's never were our friends, and the red suited and blue suited clowns are colluding with each other it seems.

extending expenditures of the federal govt, the most powerful entity the world has ever seen, for a period of a month or something? get real. no wonder the piss-ant nations are trying to gang up, and attack.

why don't we have at least a five year Master Plan? the congress would rubber stamp the MAGA plan, and go home to drink toddies, and watch porn.

we're becoming the laughing stock of the civilized world, and it's all because the repubs can't or won't stand up to the national socialists.

the national socialists (demos) are attempting to bring enough illegal immigrants ashore to topple the conservative aspects of the American enterprise.

the clowns need to stand down if all they can do is a one month budget. this is turning into a national disgrace of historic proportions.