During the last shutdown, I went to the lake on the local federal game refuge to do a little canoeing. They had yellow tape across the entrance to the parking and boat ramp - but we don't need no stinkin' ramp. So I parked off-refuge and carried the canoe to the water, and went for a ride. Two federal fish cops met me when I came back to take out. They were pretty friendly, although they were unsure that they would get paid for being there. They invited me to not come back, but that was it. Funny - I've always wondered what they would have done if I just stayed out on the water 'til dark. I'm going to take another trip over there and see if they're handling it the same this time. Who knows - I might even take the boat for a spin. There's islands on the local river that are also part of the reserve. Might be time to go make tracks all over those too.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.