My hats off to you Bristoe. Actually to be fair I noticed there were several free thinkers in this thread. Search any newspaper during the early 1900's and you will read that the Bolsheviks were Jews. Oh My God! No Way!!. CONSPIRACY!! CONSPIRACY!!
Communism is the Zionist Jews preferred government.
Over 100,000 German soldiers were jews and in the meantime many of those leaders rounding up jews were jews. Imagine that.
By following this thread it has become very apparent that it is not as bad to annihilate races as long as they are not jewish. Whites, oh by all means, get rid of them.
It was the Jewish owned and controlled banks that funded Hitler and the maybe the Zionist Jews need to be paying the Jews. But hey, its ok, look at how many Americans, English, Scots, Irish, French, Polish, Canadians to name just a few that they were able to get rid of. I'll bet they are laughing their asses off at us stupid goyim.
Every time that holocaust train comes rolling through, everyone jumps on board like puppets.
I know Jews died in prison camps, but so did many others who were white. Hardly a one of you would acknowledge that truth if someone didn't point it out. But hey, its ok, they weren't jews. Maybe if that became acknowledge this holocaust crap would die.
Both sides of my family fought in WW II. Even had one Uncle killed in Germany by German troops. Several of them were there at the end of the war. They seen what went on.
One of my Uncles is Jewish, he was a GS16 in the CIA. His roommate in college was JKF. His sister was Henry Kissenger's first wife. Yes, I talked to them and they have interesting tales to tell. Their stories don't seem to match some History we are told. But then many of us prefer lock stepping.
Yep, if you tell a lie enough times you will have everybody arguing their side of the lie while the truth slowly passes by unnoticed. The stupid Goyim are easily distracted and fooled. .
What about the 1000's of German women who were rounded up at the end of the war by the Soviets (communists/bolsheviks) and raped. Anybody shed a tear over that? Didn't think so.

The Germans lost the war, but the Nazis's didn't.