Originally Posted by efw
I find it ironic that a country would have to go to such lengths as these to prove how repentant they are of their totalitarian past.

Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
This subject has a way of bringing to the surface the phony conservatives, i.e., those who pretend conservatism, but actually, in their heart of hearts, reject the basic principles on which our nation was founded.

Could you fill in the blanks on this?

Are you talking about the subject of free speech, or of the Holocaust?

What are the basic principles you’re saying are being rejected, and by whom here in this thread?

I remember when both Conservatives and Liberals agreed “I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Seems to me that both sides have jettisoned this inconvenient principle in favor of “gotcha-ism”. This became particularly acute on the conservative side since the 16 election when (pseudo) conservatives started playing identity politics.

How about, for starters, those who think that a Soviet style kangaroo court is appropriate for captured officers, soldiers, businessmen, because they were on the losing side of a war?

"The fact that the Nazi leaders are criminals has already been established. The task of the Tribunal is only to determine the measure of guilt of each particular person and mete out the necessary punishment -- the sentences."

- Major-General Iona Timofeevich Nikitchenko, Supreme Court of the Soviet Union, explaining the Soviet view of the proceedings, in typical Soviet jurisprudential fashion, before they even began.