Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by JamesJr

Most people today only hear that 6 million Jews were put to death by the Nazis in WW2. They have absolutely no idea, because the history books and teachers don't teach it, about what I call "the rest of the story."

I have never been a Holocaust denier......it happened, the Nazis did kill millions of Jews.

Odd, then, that upon close examination, virtually not a single detail of the Holocaust narrative survives scrutiny. If it were able to, subjecting its claims to historical scrutiny wouldn't have been outlawed by just about every Western nation besides the one possessing a First Amendment.

PS Canada is not on the list only because they don't call it a Holocaust Denial Law. They disingenuously call it something else, but utilize it as one.

TRH, while we readily agree on most things, I think there's just too much evidence to deny that it happened.......to one extent or another. One can call it what they want, but the Nazis did in fact roundup and kill millions of Jews.

But, my reasons for posting about this are twofold.......first, someone should not be jailed and prosecuted for not believing it happened. That's simply ludicrous, and so wrong as to be almost unbelievable. Secondly, most of the Bolsheviks were Jews, the start of Communism in the Soviet Union. We know many innocent people were slaughtered under the Communists, and that number is far greater than the number of Jews that the Germans killed. Yet, the Jews have gone to great lengths to make it seem as if the only slaughter of innocents that ever happened was to them. We know that not to be true, at least some of us do.

I'm not going to argue this with you. We aren't as far apart as you may think.

5 of the 11 Bolshevik s were Jew, yet less than 5% of the Russian population was jewish. It was a German Jew who killed the tsar and his entire family, and a German Jew that gave the order. Least we forget that it was a German Jew who wrote the communist manifesto and they were trying to ferment the same type of revolution in Germany and across Europe. Thank God Hitler stopped a jewish communist takeover.

Be Polite , Be Professional , but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
-General James Mattis United States Marine Corps

Nothing is darker than a mau mau's moo moo.