Well them reprobates couldn't stand in a straight line so you can only see a few of us, wife took the picture.

Anyway starting with Kaywoodie in the red in one picture and getting cut out in the shoot picture... I think there will be better pictures coming... here's who was there, first those that can be seen.

Kaywoodie (Bob)
mark subert
45-100 (Mark)
VF154 (Doug)
Seafire (John)
Border doc (Jim)
CCCC (Paul)
Owl (Jeff)
I'm way at the other end with the white hat and tan coat trying to get these fellows in line.
Jeff Page
nifty two fifty (Milo)
elkhunternm (Ken)
RoadRunner65 (Joe)
Dave Price
A friend of Dave's and Doug I'm sorry I forgot his name
Ranger green (Tracy) attended with his lovely family but had to leave prior to the salute.

I said a few words about how this event started in 2011 with a trip to Greg's place after his mother passed from this core group. Wind was howling and words were short... Greg would have enjoyed it. Later we had a toast and farewell to our friend. Many remembrances were shared throughout the weekend.

It was a great time thanks again all who attended.
