Originally Posted by CWT
Did you look at the Savage Lady Hunter also?

Just as you are relating, I had to order sight unseen. All I could do was scour the internet for reviews and pictures. The Camilla appealed more to me aesthetically plus I could find more information about it including others' experiences. Okay, and I grew up not far away, and the history. "Camilla" brings a touch of history where "Lady Hunter" makes me look to see where they added pink. Seriously, would anyone label a rifle "The Male Hunter"? How's that for good rationale? I've spent my entire life making do with products designed for men, and literally have stood in a fly shop waving my credit card commenting that it works as well as the guys. Because products that fit women are rarely stocked in stores, I have to take financial risks and order anyway with sometimes poor results that I re-sell when I can. The Camilla has been a raving success story.