Originally Posted by Seafire
They fabricate problems to have spendy solutions to solve them for us all...

back before the 1973 "Fuel Shortage", where refineries were full, and they just
wouldn't sell the fuel, and tankers set at anchor for months up and down the
east coast, so that they could drive up pricing with this supply and 'demand'

oil prices seemed to be stable all the time at 30 cents a gallon...with 'gas wars'
being the only change where ever you went up and down the entire east coast...

total lack of competition...

the blame it on 'speculators'.... when its called price fixing....

which is suppose to be illegal under the Sherman Anti Trust Act...
but then when government gets their cut, suddenly laws don't mean so much

thank political corruption on that contribution to fuel prices..
which also seem to somehow drop during election cycles...anyone notice that also?

I've heard you many times say the same things. So, I'm asking YOU to tell us how daily fuel prices are set? Be specific.

BTW, during the oil embargo years, refineries most definitely were not full, not anywhere close. My dad was in the fuel business and nay have to go to refineries 1000 miles away to get fuel.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.