Originally Posted by Dutch
It's hard to call any of the new full four door pickup trucks "trucks". Comfy for four good sized passengers, really decent fuel economy, but no payload to speak of, and only enough room in the bed for a shoe-box if you use a shoe horn......
They do still make them with both 4 comfortable seats plus a good payload. I have one, a 3/4 ton longbed Dodge. However, there are drawbacks. It's 23' long and won't fit in any standard garage. When in town, I park it well away from the crowds as it's turning radius isn't like a Smart Car. That long wheelbase sure makes it a dream on the highway, though.
The car makers try to keep them under 20' so they'll fit in garages. So, the longer the cab, the shorter the bed. A lot of people don't want to mess with a long one like mine but I really like it.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

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