Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by Old_Toot

Question: Were (are) all of the Disciples, Prophets and Apostles - Liars?

Would like to know just how much you truly disbelieve. Remember: Yes they are all liars or No, they were not..

I'm not Antelope Sniper, but let me chime in....for a lot of people, it's not so much that we are "disbelieving" ...as we are skeptical.

How many versions of the bible have been written? When was the first one written??? It's my understanding that they were ALL written well after all the apostles had turned to dust....

Suggest you try reading "The History of The Bible" by Taylor. Would help with your queries.

Another point might be that "skeptics" are disbelievers by definition. ymmv and probably does.

It was a loaded question...and no, I don't need to read the history of the bible by Taylor....I'd probably get a less biased opinion if I read Comeys tweets on his opinion of Donald Trump....take a story.....ANY story....and pass it around a campfire for 500 years and see what you get..FWIW, I was skeptical that little rocket man would actually launch a nuclear missile at anybody...