Originally Posted by Hiaring8
Lots of hate here for the tundra...

No hate for the tundra out of me, I love my tundra. The OP asked a question and I was trying to give him a realistic answer with what to expect when comparing one to his current diesel. I have a tundra and a 3/4 ton diesel so I can offer perspective.

The tundra's a great half ton, the best one made in my opinion and that's why I bought mine. It's not hate to point out that it does half ton stuff well but if you're expecting it to do 3/4 or 1 ton stuff it might not do what you want. I'd pick Margot Robbie 99.99% of the time but the .01% of the time that I need a trailer load of overturned pork chops quickly eaten off the road I might pick Rosie O'donnell. That doesn't mean I'm dissing Margot.

I'm a huge Toyota fan, I just brought my latest toyota home an hour ago, a 2018 Camry. I traded in my 2014 camry for it, which has been flawless, because the old one had 87000 miles on it and it was either trade it now or keep it until the wheels fall off. If I'd kept it over 100,000 miles then the trade in value would be significantly lower. I went with the 2018 mainly because it gets 6 mpg better than the 2014, toyota has got new engine technology they're switching all their engines to which gets about 20% better fuel mileage mainly due to going to direct injection. It stands to reason that the tundra motor will be redesigned soon with significantly better fuel mileage. The press release I read said the new camry motor is the first of the "Dynamic Force" engines and their entire engine lineup is going to switch to the technology.