Originally Posted by Whelenman
We were hunting in Wyoming a few year ago. We left in the morning with sunny sky's, by mid morning you couldn't see 10 yds. The fog was so thick. That's why you need one!!

Oh, the fog. One time my folks were camping near Port Angeles, WA. Dad took his small boat out on the sound one blue bird morning. He was navy with old habits so he took a bearing when he left the dock. A couple hours later, pea soup fog rolled in. Dad set his compass down on the seat next to him and followed it back. He hit shore only a couple hundred yards from the dock. He could have found shore simply by going south, but he wouldn't have been anywhere close to the dock. Without the compass, though, he could have ended up in Alaska.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.