I’m looking to get a “pretty” (aka old school Walnut and blued) hunting rifle in the next few months. This will likely be a one-time purchase, and more of a splurge to have a semi-heirloom grade of rifle to leave to my oldest daughter. Hopefully for her future son/daughter.

I have always loved Model 70’s, 700 BDLs and the like. I grew up reading my Dad’s hunting and gun books, so I just have a thing for a classic looking rifle.

What do you guys think of the current Portuguese 70’s? I wish I could have snagged a SC made Winchester, but the fact that it’s imported really doesn’t bother me too much, as long as the quality is there. I like everything from the Featherweights, Sporters, and Super Grades. I REALLY like the Alaskan model with irons.

700 BDL. I know Remington has been a dumpster fire at times, but I do have a soft spot for them. I like the iron sights even though I’d never use them. Remington has always used pretty Walnut, and almost all BDL’s I’ve looked at have been gorgeous.

I’d consider other brands, but what I’m really looking for is that classic American hunting rifle. Am I missing any to consider? I’d like to keep it around $1000, give or take. That doesn’t include the scope, which will likely be a Leupold of some flavor.

Thanks for any input.