Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by watch4bear
I've got a quesiton, how many of you have earthquake insurance?

I did not, but I have learned a couple things since this quake. All damage is tax deductible, right down to a broken plate. And, FEMA is taking claims for those with substantial damage.

I went to look at a fireplace yesterday in eagle river. It had snapped in half, half way up, and had spun about 15 degrees, and was teetering, ready to fall through the roof and into the house. There is major damage out there. I suspect by the end of the week, we'll have a better idea how much.

Virtually no one has earthquake insurance. The premiums are high and the deductibles are higher.

I guess the wife and I must be about some of the only people in our neighborhood that don't have earthquake insurance. According to the neighborhood Facebook page, the people that made claims were all happy until they were told, oh you didn't meet your 10% deductible, we aren't paying you squat. I guess I'll keep on going without it. We had it in Arkansas, and an earthquake occurred and the insurance dropped it all together for everyone in the state. The wife did find some more damage, our heater in the garage bit the dust. I guess it shook a little too much.