Originally Posted by Kota
My god I despise bible thumping holier than thou ass hats who try to salve their stupidity with "The Lord". Give me a F'n break. If the "Badge Boys" (as you so condescendingly referred to the C.O.'s doing their job), hadn't shown up, you would have l wasted that fawn and never said a damn thing about it. Then you come on here looking to be rewarded for being such a good little lamb of Jesus. You're a douche.

I am a christian and believe in God, but I gave up on organized religion years ago, mainly due to hypocritical douche bags thumping the bible to make their pathetic lives look pious under a thin veil of smugness, and more righteous than everyone else.

Do us all favor, sell your 7 mag and take up golf.

I like this guy!

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty