Originally Posted by NVhntr
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Who has the best return on investment?

Genuinely curious. NSSF, GOA, NRA......I am sure there are others.

The NRA has it's place. Best bang for the buck would go to the SAF. They are usually the first to file lawsuits in support of the 2nd.
After the NRA sees which way the winds are blowing they may join the suit later and claim victory.

There may be a lot of truth in that last sentence. It seems that lately they only take on what they feel they can easily win. About ten years ago, I bought a bound collection of the American Rifleman so I have literally almost every copy from 1936 to the present date. I have a few 1936/6 and am still missing all of 1939. It's interesting to see just how the NRA has changed from supporting the shooting sports to a political entity.

There are times when I get the feeling the NRA does not want to win. They compromise a lot and every time they do, the antis gain another inch and we lose another inch. I'm an endowment life member and frankly, during the last few years I don't feel I've gotten my money's worth. I've been a member starting with annual membership back in 1955 and raised my level over the years to my current level.

Gun control for the NRA has become a big cash cow. as long as the antis do their thing, we the membership will send in money. The question is, "Are we getting our money's worth?"
Paul B.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.