With the SCOUS ruling that reasonable 2nd amendment regulation is just AOK.'
Does that mean freedom of press, speech and religion can be regulated too?[/quote]
The Constitution can be amended, rewritten, ect. Not the Bill of Rights nor the Articles of Confederation.[/quote]

The Bill of Rights are ammendments, the first 10 to be precise of the Constitution . And yes they can be changed. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights is not amendable and the Articles being replaced were fiercely opposed in the late 1700's for the very reason it would give us an over bearing Federal Gov. or possibly another Monarchy. It was one of the first heated debates over States rights. The Bill of Rights used for the beginning of the Constitution was more of an appeasement to those opposing the replacement of the Articles of Confederation. This was the beginning of the fall of the united states. The Constitution then allowed them to add The United States which started the domino effect of toppling the State Citizens. Today there are very very few State Citizens and this group is governed by Common Law and the Bill of Rights. It is the Federal Citizens or more common terminology, United States Citizen, that is governed by Civil Law and the Constitution. One group have rights, ie, inalienable rights, while the other group who now are the majority have privileges.
This subject is starting to come to the surface again and I hope and pray that it does. Lots and lots of old forgotten history and in many cases deleted history that surrounds this subject. The Virginia Co. is in the very center of this. It was/is the very entity that began the domino effect or could be said they were instrumental in the slow take over of the Republic known as the united states and turned it into a Democracy known as The United States which now is a very advanced Socialistic Government.
This take over started in the 1780's and accelerated very quickly from 1830 into 1917. By that point are organic Republic and its citizens of the many states were doomed. [/quote]

One of the reasons we the people should know this information is because, George Washington (co chair of the Virginia Co) signed a contract giving the King/Queen of England 20% of all tax money collected under the Corp. United States for the lifetime of the Corporate United States. This was done through the Virginia Co. who Daniel Paysuer, the Crown Prince of France was Chairman of and George Washington was co Chairman. In a nut shell, since the establishment of The United States, 20% of taxes collect from you is funneled through the Federal Reserve Bank of Charlotte NC to the King/Queen of England.