Eliminating carbs doesn't mean eliminating them totally, carbs can be though of as anything that is white. Potatoes, rice, white bread etc., I have eliminated white bread and eat rye, wheat, pumpernikle, etc same for pasta replace that made with white flour with wheat pasta. I still eat rice in small amounts and two squares of 70% chocolate, these things work well. I walk a mile every day and workout at the gym for 1-1.5 hrs. 3x a week. After having lost 60# my weight loss has slowed and plateaued for a period of a year, I didn't let that get me discouraged just kept on doing the things that enabled me to lose weight in the first place. I am now within 10-15# of my goal weight, I typically lose 2-3# every 90days, I don't weigh myself other than at my doctor visits and don't worry about what the scale says. In 10+ yrs. I won't say that I have never backslid but it has only been 2-3# on a couple of occasions in that period of time. I also got careless once and had an A1c reading of 9.0, most of the time it is below 7 and once was 6.