I certainly like the forums better for more in-depth answers and being able to bookmark some threads for future reference. They were really helpful when I was searching data for my 30R and 450-400NE. Also very good at pointing a person in the direction of stores I'd never heard of before to get various items, ideas and ways of doing stuff. I like that they usually have a cross section of opinions from across N. America and even some input from Europe and Australia and other places. Ya, you have to sort thru the krap to get the good stuff, but, it is there. FB and the like are for the folk who are on their phones all day and you seldom see a full answer to a question. Lots of hints at stuff, but, not fleshed out. But, it is a source of info in its own way. I do prefer the forums overall. One nice thing is you can look at some once a month and read back thru the threads and pick out what is interesting reasonably quickly, better than FB by a long shot.
I haven't had a magazine subscription in a few years, I got tired of a lot of the same old that covered the stuff I was interested in, and the amount of stuff I was not interested in. But, I do enjoy reading some of the stuff people refer to occasionally on FB.