Originally Posted by elkhunternm
I would like to have an 8 mag made by Montana Rifle Co.

Me, too. That would be a great setup. 8mm Mags, people who hunt big enough game to make use of 8 mags and people who can stalk close in are cool.

People who have limited hunting experience outside SE AK, have a big ego despite ultra-short stature, shoot with key boards and pretend to be long-range snipers are not necessarily cool. Though, it must suck to be mistaken for a Nintendo character. It may sound like a comment from a democrap on my part, but I have empathy for such and understand the hit to ego that may occur for being so limited. It could even cause excessive shooting with said keyboard in some cases, though heavy meds might solve that drag on society.

Back to rifles: I want a properly tuned CRF 8mm RM. My last Remington 8 RM fed terribly but what a round!