Originally Posted by LouisB
If I were to own one of those scary gun things, then I'm betting no one would know I had it until they convinced me they needed to see it.
I see open carry as letting an opponent know part of one's game plan!
In an area where four legged critters were the only concern, if I would need a gun then open carry may be more the first choice.

I'm inclined to agree... I carry a sidearm openly when I'm hunting hogs/deer and bigger game, but it may be out of sight under my coat; it's not there for show. But I also carry a second handgun, typically a light snub revolver, in a concealed location. On the hiking trails I typically have my handgun(s) out of sight. No point in scaring the sheep, and no point in giving a bad guy the advantage of knowing.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars