Originally Posted by DocRocket
...I simply pulled the spare Glock 23 magazine from my pocket and held it up as though checking to see if it was fully loaded. Funny thing, the 3 guys advancing on me stopped in their tracks, paused, and without a word turned around and got back into their truck and drove away.

I guess they figured that if a guy has a Glock magazine on him, he probably has a Glock pistol on him, too.

Well now - that's another reason to carry a spare mag. wink

Wife and I were stopped on our trail bikes on one of the semi-remote mountain dirt roads near here. A beater car came around the corner and passed by me on the left, then stopped. As the guy in the passenger seat started asking wife about a "party they were looking for", I was thinking, "yeah, right" and watching another get out of the opposite back seat and head for the trunk. I put my hand on my gun when it became apparent he wasn't taking a pee break. He noticed that move and hesitated there at the trunk. He actually began to reach for the trunk lid and stopped himself a couple of times before he gave me another sideways glance and jumped back into the car, upon which they immediately sped off. I wasn't about to let him reach into that trunk, and he apparently figured that out.

Just because you left the pavement, doesn't mean you left the dirtbags behind.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.