JOC was a hunter. The concept of a hunter suggests skills that enabled the hunter to get within a sub-400 yard distance to the quarry. One doesn’t need a 1/2 inch shooter or a 18 power scope to be effective. In fact at these distances the JOC would work as well as any high tech rifle, excluding a situation of where there is constant rain.

Obviously I’ve never handled a JOC rifle, but I bet that it is well balanced and moves like a wand in your hands. I’ve been in plenty of hunting camps where I’ve hefted these unbalanced monstrosities that are considered the ultimate in hunting rifles. They would be great for 800 yard shots and I acknowledge that it takes a lot of skill to shoot these accurately, but as one writer noted, this is more about being a shooter rather than a hunter., which of course is fine, if thats what blows your hair back.