I remember reading a piece several years ago that winchester reps had a pre production post 64 that they brought by for mr O'conner to review, before actual production began.. The person writing the article said that you could hear the howl down the hallway of where he was employed( maybe outdoor life). The wood to metal had a large gap and evidently was put together in a hurry. He raked the reps over the coals about that but there were several things other than that he saw. They left hurriedly.
According to the way he wrote i believe that he would still want craftsmanship to be high quality. Nice wood with no gaps and no problems with things being out of alignment. His rifles show that he loved extras like engravements and fine bluing.
Wish he was head of qc at remington today. We would not see the abominations that are produced on the remington and marlin lines.

(Liberalism is a mental disorder, Michael savage radio show) member of donald's deplorables