Originally Posted by Mountain10mm
Feel free to move here and pay $700 annual vehicle registration, exorbitant taxes, deal with yuppie/tourist mountain traffic every day, building codes up the wazoo, construction costs 3x or more of nearby states, family homes starting at $600,000, libtard takeover of our government, and constantly fighting for our gun laws. Come on over! You'll save $650 on your elk tag.

I probably save enough on vehicle registration fees to cover NR tags! LOL! Everything else you listed except yuppie tourists sounds just like here......sadly.

Thanks to the State of Colorado for the opportunity to hunt there the past 15 years. I’d rather hunt there where there are lots of elk instead of hunters outnumbering the elk like WA.

Happy Trails

Life Member NRA, RMEF, American Legion, MAGA. Not necessarily in that order.