Originally Posted by WAM
So Saddlesore, how much influence do NR ‘s have over your libtards running the state government and ultimately th CPW Commission? What would you suggest short of a firing squad? Happy Trails

Very little, unless they all decide to hunt elsewhere,which isn't likely to happen. This whole thing is really because Republican conservatives failed to get out and vote in the past state election.We are trying a recall of the governor , but have only 60 days to get 600,000 signatures. However, that won't get the libitards out of our Senate and House . Unless a whole of of voters awaken, I am afraid we will never see a Republican governor or Republican controlled legislature in Colorado again.

These same people are also in favor of wolf reintroduction here and that will undoubtedly be on the next ballot as a referendum and just like steel leg hold traps and the ban spring bear hunting came about.When that comes about, in a few years, the nonresidents will be effected too because the elk herd numbers will plummet as they did in WY,ID, and MT

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles