Originally Posted by colorado bob
Originally Posted by plainsman456
Everything that hunters do is considered to be bad for the deer.

It should be up to the landowner what takes place on their place regarding this.

I just find it hard that slinging some corn will make every deer within miles of the site to come in.

The deer belong to the people of the state not the landowner. I wonder if they are thinking of banning food plots? It could be considered a form of baiting.

i've been beaten over the head & shoulders while involved in this argument, more than once actually.

the king's wildlife belongs to the king, passed down to the state which sells commoners a license which allows limited hunting. it's sure to piss people off when the discussion gets intense.

here in georgia, in so far as i know, and i don't much keep up with the stuff anymore, baiting was allowed for south georgia, and then finally allowed years later for north georgia. my commoner's mind tells me if a food plot is legal, then so is "baiting." same thing in my pea brain. and the deer don't seem to know the difference.