Originally Posted by nighthawk
Gus, Last I heard someone theorized it served as a place where good gut bacteria could hide. I'm skeptical. Would've gotten to know another uncle but for appendicitis leading to peritonitis. Story was the surgeon on call was a mite tipsy. That was before antibiotics and rampant malpractice suits. Point is I think of that when people wax eloquent over the good old days.

it was long ago, and far away and i was on assignment.

my darling wife was on duty, and she got the off-spring to the local hospital.

the surgeon said appendicitis has to be taken seriously. very seriously, no time for discussion.

not to meander too far from the main center of the road, anyone who places god into an image is heretical?

that is, who knows what god looks like? YHWH, or any other for that matter. to hang up a pic. of god is heresy?