I mentioned before that some can be turned loose and others not. Of my 5, I have 3 I can turn looses dragging 12' ropes. They'll stay close. The other 2 will wander off. Always keep at least 1 tied so the whole flock doesn't wander off.

An experienced packer showed me about using the ground line and it works great. You don't have to pull it tight. Let them drag it back and forth. They won't go anywhere. Once they've got tangled a few times, they'll be very good at getting themselves untangled. They won't fight it like horses will. Highlines are for horses. Don't bother with them for llamas. I take them to water twice a day and it takes maybe 5 min. to feed them when I need to. They take almost no time at all in camp. I've tried the screw in stakes and find that the ropes get twisted around them. The long ground line prevents that.

Speaking of water - don't be surprised at how little they drink. They might go a couple days and drink nothing at all. They have a strange digestive system. They reabsorb water from the large intestine and reuse it. Their droppings are quite dry.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.