I have a little time today to help you a bit perhaps. Given the info you gave is accurate you need all the tack for all the llamas You need a catch pen which ideally is about 6'x8'. You need to get them addicted to some form of food they love, I use 3 way mix grain. Get them so they will come to the treats into the catch pen. In the catch pen you take a slow approach to halter training force should be a last resort once you go there you have few good options but to continue, you may win you may lose. Once you halter train lead train. once you lead train tether train. Once you tether train saddle train, once you saddle train pannier train, once you pannier train trail train, continue trail training for the next 20 or so years. Your results may vary! At every step in this process there are tricks and tips it would help immensely if you have a mentor you can call for advice.

Do not pretend to learn to train llamas from those who USE llamas, they are probably the biggest source of false info there is, they know just enough to be dangerous. And remember you got those "raw" llamas cheap for a reason they need work to be "finished".

Are their fighting teeth cut yet? If not cut them but leave their nuts alone WAY too many do just the opposite.