The only thing I’ve read over and over from John is his love for the
6.5 CM...He probably loves the 270 Win as well.

Otherwise, MD is pretty impartial. Just printing what he knows from experience.

Not sure why SardineJuice is ripping him...But, we’ve all been nailed to the cross once or more for opinions, observations, or spewing inaccuracies that could send a person down a rabbit hole.

It makes the Fire what it is...MD isn’t losing any sleep over this Shît. But, if you really want to get Mule Deer sideways. Tell him his 6.5 cm is just another hyped fad portrayed by himself to sell magazines. Grins.



Curious here on how big SardineSnatches boobs are.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”