I try to make time to workout. I feel better physically and mentally when I do. My favorite exercise is bicycling, and we are blessed to have a network of dedicated paths on the levees here. I have had 3 left knee surgeries and have a torn meniscus and two cysts in my right knee. Lately the pain has made bicycling unbearable. I am putting off surgery as long as I can, but I am afraid the day is nearing. I have been lifting more and more since my 5th shoulder surgery. I have half an artificial joint. I can't do much. I Just pushed my bench press workout to 5 sets of 12 reps with 165 on the bench machine. I don't have enough stability without a socket component to use free weights. I did 60 pushups in 60 seconds before my shoulder replacement. I haven't really tried much since then because each time I tried it really stressed my joint. About an hour ago my wife asked me if I could do pushups. I told her I didn't think I could. I did 35 in one minute and was spent. My joint didn't complain as loudly as I thought it would. That was encouraging.

Damn, if I didn't have joint issues...