If customers were buying them in sufficient numbers to keep them in the product lines at a price that would continue to sell, they'd still be available.

I've read over and over how the great popularity of 3-9 scopes results in efficient production and lower cost. I imagine scopes using common parts like tubes, eyepieces, etc does the same thing. If only a few people are buying 4x scopes, production costs will rise and the only way to keep them in the line will be to raise the price, or "carry" them at a loss, not likely these days, especially at Leupold where they seem to be contracting their offerings, and have even stated that they're reducing options to keep prices down.

So 4x lovers are left either scrounging for remaining supplies, buying economy models or high-end Euros, or going for used ones.

If the makers had gone with keeping them in the catalog at a price that reflected the true cost, this thread might well be titled, "$400 for a 4x, WTF!"

What fresh Hell is this?