Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
That kind of money buys a lot of power and influence. That it's in the hand of a cult should give anyone pause.

Maybe it costs a lot of dough to build those spaceships though?

Never vote a Mormon into office.

Would you rather it be in the hands of the Babtist Cult, or the Catholic Cult, or the Presbyterian Cult, or the Lutheran Cult, or the Assembly of God Cult??????

Laughing very hard at this.

If my kid who grew up not affiliated with any church, converts and marries a girl that is Baptist, can I as his father attend the wedding? Same for papist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or Assembly of God? Can I as a non member of any of those churches attend a mass or service?

Now, ask yourself the same question if my kid converted and married a mormon gal.

Just one little example to prove my point, besides what Etoh has pointed out.

But to answer the question, I would not be happy with ANY organized religion having that much money and/or land. Even the Christian ones.

I’ve attended Mormon services, Mormon funerals, Mormon weddings. Always welcomed with open arms.

The only thing that is restricted to Mormons in good standing are Temple ceremonies, mainly sealing.

Sic Semper Tyrannis