Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad

Are we talking rain gutters? Clubbing seals? What?

LOL probably makes more sense.

Little background.

The "Churchs" you see that are Mormon are not churchs, they are meeting houses. No "sacred" rituals go on there. Anyone can go in them. They are "stake" houses (not the type you eat). Stakes are comprised of several wards and members are assigned to on geographical area. Ironically the members must attend that ward (except when visiting a another ward) and cant go to just any ward although an outsider can. One big building is used on a continuous basis by all the wards to cut down of operational costs of heating etc an empty building (see you knew it was about money). In the 1900 the meeting houses were used for civil weddings, but so many people started using them it came into conflict with regular meetings.

Holy grounds are the Temples and where sacred rites are conducted. Marriages, for time and eternity (sealing), baptism for the dead, certain meetings and rites performed by the Melchzidek priesthood members and spaceship preparation (just kidding). If you believe in metaphor this preparation is for the trip back to Kolob.

So when you hear something like "Romney was a Mormon in good standing" doesn't mean anything if he doesn't have a temple recommend. And unless he shows it the only people that would know would be his Bishop and Stake President.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old