TBREW401: I have no idea what so ever about Catholic gold but I do know they own dozens of billions of dollars worth of real estate JUST in the Seattle area alone!
As far as I am concerned "churches" are welcome to tax exempt status, for their monies, right up until they open their hypocritical mouths and start endorsing political candidates, espousing politics from the pulpit and begin importing and protecting undesirable aliens from Cuba, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Columbia and etc etc etc.
If nothing else the Catholic Church has written the well read primer for "churches" on the best ways of hiding their money from civil litigation, taxes and out of court settlements.
I absolutely break out laughing EVERY time I hear some Catholic Church Diocese is "declaring bankruptcy" and can NOT pay their civil judgments in pedophile cases etc!
The Catholic Church (IMO!) has TRILLIONS of dollars in assets and cash (gold if you will) hidden away.
And that's sad in a way - Churches were supposed to gather monies to aid the poor and ill - those days are long receding/gone!
Hold into the wind