Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by OldmanoftheSea
Originally Posted by DBT
An easy answer, the bible is a collection of books written by man, not God, and compiled by man, not God, in order to meet the needs of the people in power, Constantine, et al, as a way of controlling the masses, providing a value system and identity, ie, being a Christian.

Of course, the Jews disagreed. Jesus was not their promised Messiah, the Muslims have their own prophet... to mention a few problems with faith.

When is an answer not an answer?

Did you fail to understand what I said? It appears that way.

Oh no.
I am not saying you are not citing valid points
Perhaps even undeniable truths....

I am just not certain it is an answer. Not a "why" if you will ..

But I wasn't going to put additional untyped words into your response.
I might suggest that that just because you don't necessarily agree with the promulgators of the story, doesn't mean that you cannot derive any enjoyment nor value from the story.

Just my take..


"If memory serves fails me..."
Quote: ( unnamed) "been prtty deep in the cooler todaay "

Television and radio are most effective when people question little and think even less.