djs, I'm not gonna engage in any discussion of whether President Trump is right or wrong, or what he did or didn't say. Nor am I interested in whether Dr. Fauci or Dr. Birx is higher on the D.C. totem pole. I'm looking at data and medical consensus, not who's making the most noise in Washington. I've had a couple folks send me PM's here trying to bait me into a Trump-said-this-not-that catfight, and I've deleted those PM's without replying. I don't have time for pizzing matches over such nonsense.

The Johns Hopkins map is only one source for data, and while I think it's likely reliable, it's not giving us any information other than the number of positive COVID tests. For now, that's what most websites are reporting, since it's the only thing you can easily report. This is the disease incidence. As I pointed out in my OP, incidence is only a part of the epidemiological story. Prevalence is far more important, and none of the stats websites are updating that number daily. Partly because they don't know it's important, I suspect.

Of course we expect the numbers of COVID-10 positive tests to be growing exponentially. This is inevitable. What we do NOT know is how much of this growth is due to increased availability of testing, although we know this is a major contributor to the slope of the curve. We can flatten the curve really easily just by stopping all testing, you know... which is what China decided to do last week, and hey, presto! their new stats look great! Too bad they're bull s h i t.

More important: instead of looking at the raw numbers, look at the incidence per 100,000 population. If you do that, the growth of the epidemic in the USA looks a lot better than it does in any nation in the world right now with the exception of Germany. I suggest you look at the graphs in this article to see what I'm talking about...

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars