Originally Posted by HitnRun

Pay attention to how farmers and ranchers do business and then see how those gifts from the government work. If you own a store and someone comes in to buy your goods, you say “that will be $12.00” or whatever the cost is for that product. When a farmer goes to the grain terminal to sell his wheat, he says “what will you give me today?” The rancher gets the same treatment at the stock sale.

Both scenarios are the same. Buyer and seller are both free to state their price and both are free to walk away. The truth of the matter is subsidies don't solve anything. In this case they allow too many farmers to remain in the industry, which is exactly the reason so many of them cannot be profitable without government assistance. Pull the subsidies, allow some farms to fail, achieve market equilibrium, and the remaining ones will be able to charge more. It's no different than any other market.