Apparently a summation of Wyatt Earp's philosophy about gunfights was "Fast is fine..but accuracy is final". And it is worth noting that Wyatt Earp did not die in any gunfight but rather at home at the age of 80.

We don't live in Wyatt Earp's society nor are we limited to his gun technology now, but have many choices and philosophies to choose from. There are opinions about high capacity mags and size of the pistols used being critical to the decisions we make about what and how to carry.

After reviewing my skills that would be used in a actual gunfight I found them to be seriously wanting. I am above average shot with a handgun but not trained nor active in combat type shooting events. I know I need more training and that's ok.

However it seems prudent to think that whatever we carry, whether it be large and high cap or small and minimum rounds, is to accurate.

Carry what we shoot accurately.