Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Folks...I'm not saying y'all are wrong. There's no telling and part of that is because you can't believe either China or our own government. Pneumonia and Bronchitus are typical cold weather ailments. They come with the Flu to many people and all sorts of other ailments. Just because you tested negative for one Flu doesn't mean you didn't have another and if you didn't, there are other ways to get these ailments. COVID-19 didn't invent chest congestion, it has the same symptoms as many other ailments.

This side of Heaven it is doubtful we'll ever know the full truth about this outbreak and terrible disease.

We absolutely will know an accurate case fatality rate once we've done sufficient, random anti-body testing. At that point we'll know whether its no more lethal or a lot more lethal than the flu. That is the critical piece of info we are missing.
