Annealing brass can be as involved as you want it to be.

I am always trying to find the simplest way of doing things and to that end here is simple for me.

Put a drill motor in a vice with soft jaws, chuck an appropriate sized socket, light a propane torch (small torch on 1 lb bottle), hold flame on slowly spinning (~60 rpm) cartridge.

I leave in the flame for 8 seconds, my regular cadence of counting is such that I count to 13, this consistently gives 8 seconds in the flame.

I pick, with my bare fingers, the brass case out of the socket and put it a container (glass kitchen bowl).

When all that is needed is done , the brass goes directly to further prep and is loaded.

This is a simple method and I usually do lots of up to 100 pcs.

With benchrest loading techniques the Extreme Spread is is right around 10 ft/s and depending on the round loaded in the single digits.

This simple method of annealing, has in part, put me on the podium a few times in 1000 yard events.