Originally Posted by irfubar
I haven't seen the series yet. I will check it out.

I was in Billings during the Freemen stand off in Jordan, Mt, what a clusterfug.

The ATF , FBI learned a lesson from Waco and didn't try the same heavy handed tactics against the Freemen. Janet Reno and the Clintons were out of control and running amuck at the time......

The funniest thing I remember from it was the reporters complaining about the accommodations in Jordan, they were hating life... hahahaha

I believe a car load of reporters skidded off a snowy road and crashed, several hurt and If I remember correct someone died I believe? They were headed to Lincoln to cover the capture of Uni-bomber.
Good times ... LOL

Remember the T shirt that came out after the Freeman deal that read "At Least Our Cows Aren't Crazy" in reference to Montana having psycho bombers and militia men "run amok" but no mad cow disease?

Crazy times.

Add in the Oklahoma bombing and things were pretty screwed up for constitutionally minded Americans.

...And lets not forget Ruby Ridge. What a travesty of abject Tyranny from the get go.

Last edited by SBTCO; 04/19/20.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton