I still have the first big game rifle I got 57 years ago. It is a #4 Mk1 Lee Enfield sporter as offered by Parker Hale. I have rebarrelled it twice but it has killed more game for me than all of my other rifles put together. It accounted for my second longest kill (about 350 yards) and some of my most impressive shots on coyotes. It has won me turkey's at turkey shoots. Most of my rifles are old rifles or based on old rifles. Some really are kind of junky. A rifle I carry a lot is a No1 Lee Enfield with a beautifully crafted pine extension on the butt, an ugly fore arm, no safety, and iron sights. It has killed deer, bear, and coyotes and is my go to hiking gun in grizzly country. With ten heavy loaded 215's in the mag, I feel pretty confident.
I carry my Dad's old Kinfolks knife and hatchet and carry ammo in the leather cartridge box on the belt. Rifles all have slings which are used as shooting slings. On some hunts, I still wear wool; top and bottom.
My most modern hunting rifle is a tang safety Ruger in a glass stock. The only other glass stock is on a Winchester Model 54. The other stocks are mostly old home-made stuff.
So, you can see, most of my gear is old junk and I like it! GD