Shotgun fit for shooting birds at 10-40 YARDS, has squat to do with shooting around corners and down hallways in the dark, at 10-40 FEET, and trying to hit with a pattern the size of a golf ball through coffee saucer. Sighting of some sort mandatory, ‘fit’ or not.....we always hope we can shoulder/cheek the gun, but Murphy runs gunfights, not me. I’ve found the 1-4 trijicon stuff, and other LPVs and prisms, to be as fast for me as any RDS, though I do think the open types like eotechs and minis seem faster, but we shotgunned over our sights, as much as actually using them, up close....more peripheral awareness....the theory, anyway. Most tunnel pretty bad.

Last edited by hh4whiskey; 04/21/20.