Originally Posted by rost495
well one could be stupid to say that the better a gun fits one the better they shoot it. Rifle or shotgun.

If not, then LOTS of match shooters are dumb [bleep] for making the rifles fit them really well so that the NPA is on and so on. It sure helps when you tunnel vision and forget the sights etc..... Helps a LOT.

Or you can get a whatever stock and just deal with it. Again if you shoot that enough, you'll learn to shoot it well enough instinctively. In fact... thats how instinctive bow shooting works. But again there, a bow that fits and shoots where you look takes much LESS practice to hit with and be consistent.

To say otherwise is kind of off a bit.

That said if you can't get a good handle on the weapon then you sure need a sight of some kind, that said I fail to see how the weapon fitting good hurts one if they have to be contorted and force to use a sight.

Slow down. I didn’t say it ‘hurt’, but if that’s all it has going for it vs other options more suitable for the task, then I’ll take learning to run the gun, and I won’t be dragging out the fitted SC or bench rifle, in lieu of something made for HD. You’d also be surprised how absolutely great that ARs and other defense-themed firearms fit many, many people. you might also be shocked to learn that they’re far more quick and maneuverable than a fitted sporting shotgun or rifle, within the arena we’re discussing. all I’m sayin